Does this sound familiar?

You go to networking events and then stand around with a drink or chatting with the one person you forced to come with you. You have collected business cards and received promises to follow up and then....nothing. You have reached out to people on LinkedIn but no one responds. You are trying to grow a referral network for your small business but WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?

Building your network is easier than you think!

  • Learn tips for networking in a way that doesn’t feel salesy or desperate.

  • Learn how to find events full of people like YOU who want to hire YOU!

  • Find out how to nurture your network without feeling like you are harassing people.

Here's what you'll get

  • Video lesson to watch when and where you want.

  • Resources to help manage your connections and your time.

  • Learn to stop ASKING for things and make people WANT to help you.

  • A fresh new perspective on what networking should really look like.

Resources included


    A tip sheet on how to connect with others and have fun at networking events. Never leave an event without talking to anyone again!


    This is the actual spreadsheet I use to organize my new connections and relationships! It helped me land two great jobs and build a profitable business in under two years.


    Everyone's plan is different but this 3 month planner will help you identify the key areas you need to work on and set some strong networking goals.

Meet your instructor

Career Coach, Human Resources and Return-to-Work Expert Allison Venditti

Allison Venditti, CHRP, CHRL has over 15 years of experience creating programs, policy and best practices that improve workplace culture and increase retention. She is also the founder of Moms at Work, the world's first professional association for working mothers which provides resources, community and support to over 11,000 women across Canada. Passionate about breaking down the barriers to women succeeding in their careers, she is a sought-after speaker and regular commentator on return-to-work, pay transparency and working parenthood.

Never hand out a business card again

If you don’t have a network that will help you build your career… don’t you think it is time to get one?